10 February, 2016

10.02.16 - E04 1st Pour

B63 - STH View to North West
B63 - STH View to North East
B63 STH & MCW Pipes Interface
B63 STH & MCW Pipes Interface East
MCW Pipes Cofferdam view to East
B63 STH & MCW Pipes Interface West
B63 STH View to South
H02 - Pull pit in Diesel Generator (G10) Area
B01 - Bunker Bay View to East
 B01 Boiler Steel Structure View to West
B01 - 400T Crawler Crane for Boiler Erection
B01 Boiler Steel Structure View to South
MCW Pipes Cofferdam wrapping
MCW Pipes Cofferdam View to West
E04 Cooling Tower 1st Pouring
E04 Cooling Tower 1st Pouring
E04 Cooling Tower 1st Pouring
E04 Cooling Tower 1st Pouring
E04 Cooling Tower 1st Pouring
E04 Cooling Tower Rebar
E06 - Pumping Station view to West
E06 - Pumping Station view to West
E06 - Pumping Station view to East
B02 Stack foundation and slipform assembly
B01 Boiler Steel Structure View to West
B01 PA & FD Area North
B01 PA & FD Area South
B01 Boiler Steel Structure View
B01 Boiler Steel Structure View to West
B01 Boiler Steel Structure View to North
B01 Boiler Steel Structure View to East
Overall Site View to West
Underground Water Storage Tanks
Underground Water Storage Tanks
Laydown Area 3
View from Laydown Area 7
Laydown Area 3

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