16 February, 2016


 Turbine Hall West (CW pipe + pile caps)
Turbine Hall East (CEX shafts)  
Turbine Hall CW Intake (West side), backfilling to top of Pile cap / CEB side 
Control Electrical Building ; Turbine Hall Sheet piles backties removed to prepare CTO of CEB
Cooling Water Pipes - Turbine Hall side : West
 Cooling Water Pipes cofferdam - East extremitytowards Cooling Towers
Boiler steel Structure overview Mills bay from West/Turbine Hall
Boiler steel Structure overview Mills bay from East 
Boiler steel, cavity area: Tier #2 just started
 Boiler steel, Air preheater area from South 
 Boiler steel, Air preheater area from North East
 Boiler steel Overview from East

Boiler Steel lifting : 400 T Crawler crane still located South of Boiler Cavity
 Boiler Mills sole plates preparation
 Boiler Mill #A, packer plates installation for sole plates
Boiler prefabrication: Barrel section of Coal silos 
Boiler prefabrication: Cone sections & Support girder section of Coal silos 
 Boiler prefabrication: Cone section of Coal silo
 Boiler prefabrication laydown access direct to boiler:
Boiler PA Fan North, civil fondation to start... 
Boiler PA Fan South, civil fondation done, pedestals to follow 
 Boiler FD Fan South
Excavation for UG water Tanks from East
 Cooling Tower first raft (1050 m3 poured on 10th Feb)
  Cooling Tower second raft (1218 m3 poured on 13th Feb)
 Cooling Tower third raft preparation for pouring
 Cooling Tower West side : Deeper Water pump station
 View of stack slip form preparation

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