11 February, 2016


 Boiler steel view from west / Turbine Hall (bunker bay)
 Boiler steel view from east (Bunker bay)
 Site Management EHS walkdown - boiler area
 Boiler steel column prior to lifting (scafolding and bolts hanged)
 Boiler bunker bay steel erection, Tier #2 with 250 T Crawler crane
 Boiler steel bolts tigthening
  Boiler steel bolts tigthening 
Boiler PA Fan fondation North
 Boiler FD Fan fondation North
 Boiler steel structure view from East (Air preheater)
 Boiler backfilling in air preheater area (UG duct banks completed)
Turbine Hall East side / boiler (CW pipes on pile caps & CEX pumps shaft)
 Turbine Hall Pile head + cap & CW pipe (between TH & Boiler)
  Turbine Hall West side Pile caps and CW pipe (between TH & CEB)
  Turbine Hall Condensate Extraction Pump shafts
Turbine Hall Condensate Extraction Pump shafts
 Turbine Hall Condensate Extraction Pump bottom rebar cage
 CW pipe West of Turbine hall (next to TH pedestals)
 CW pipe on saddle (protection rubber and metal fastener)

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