18 February, 2016


 Turbine Hall general view from South
  Turbine Hall West side - Pile Cap, CW Intake
 Turbine Hall West side - CW Intake: all spools in
Turbine Hall West side - CW Intake noozles to condenser
Turbine Hall West side - CW Intake noozles to condenser
Turbine Hall West side - CW Intake : fit up + welding on going 
 Turbine Hall East side - pile cap - CEX pump shaft 
 Turbine Hall East side - CEX pump shaft  
  Turbine Hall - Turbine Table Piles cropping
Cooling Water pipes North of Turbine Hall, backfilling on going
 Cooling Water pipes North of Turbine Hall, backfilling on going
Cooling Water pipes East of Turbine Hall (outlet)
Cooling Water pipes East of Turbine Hall (outlet), concrete encasement detail

 Cooling Water pipes along Boiler 
 Cooling Water pipes along Boiler, concrete encasement rebars
 Cooling Water pipes cofferdam, EHS management inspection
 Boiler, steel structure in mills bay, main girders for Coal silos installed
 Boiler steel structure overview from North East CW pipes
  Boiler steel structure overview from North East
 Boiler, PA fan substructure fondation on going
 Civil fondations, B17, connection duct between boiler & ESP 
 Cooling Tower fondation, 3rd raft pour done on 16th (1312 m3)
Stack preparation for slip form sart this week end (external stair case design issue) - then 2m per 12h shift planned up to 20m heigth (stop for Hoist & winches certifications)

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