31 May, 2016

31.05.16 - Boiler Backpass Girders lift Ceremony


 Boiler Mill bay view from West 
Boiler Coal Silos
Boiler Mill bay view to East 
 Boiler view to North West
 Boiler Mill Bay South access - handrail and grating 
 Boiler Air Duct View to North
 Boiler Ducting ground assembly area
  Boiler Air Ducts view to South 
 Boiler Ducts sections ready for installation
B01 Boiler PA Fan foundation North
B01 Boiler - Electrical Network Mill bay to Pipe Rack  
 B63 STH View to North
 B64 STG View to North
B63 STH Steel Structure East side 
B63 STH Steel Structure West side  
 B63 STH East side removal of sheet piles
 B64 STG View to South
 B95 Polishing Plant View to West - Excavation 
B30 CEB View to North East 
B30 CEB View to South East 
B68 Transformers west of CEB 

 B35 BEB View to East
 B35 BEB View to South West
H03 Pipe Rack north of Boiler 

 B07 ESP Vew to South

B07 ESP View to North 
WFGD Area - L24 View to North 
WFGD Area - View to North East  
 WFGD Area - View to South East
 E07 CW Electrical Building 

31.05.16 - Aerial

 Site Overview to South East
 Site Overview to South East
 Boiler Mills Bay View to East
 Boiler Tier # 6 View to East
Boiler Furnace Cavity pressure part support steel 
 Boiler backpass girders at elevation 95.00 - strand jacks looking south
Boiler backpass girders at elevation 95.00 - strand jacks looking north
 Boiler backpass girders at elevation 95.00
 Boiler Overview backpass girders at elevation 95.00 
Boiler Top View 
Boiler Top View 
B63 STH 
Coal Silos welding in progress
B63 STH/B30 CEB Top View  
B63 STH/B30 CEB View to South
B30 CEB View to South West
B63 STH View to South East
B63 STH / B64 STG View to South East