23 May, 2016


 Boiler Overview to East
Boiler backpass main girder top side stand jack beam erection in-progress
Boiler Ductwork alignment and fit up in the structure started 
 Boiler View to East-side stand jack beam erection in-progress
 Boiler Mills Bay view from West 
Coal Silo(s) barrel to support girder welding in-progress
 Boiler Furnace View to North
 Boiler furnace side main girder pressure part support steel erected 
 Regenerative Air Preheater View to West erection in-progress 
  Boiler Overall View to West
 B64 STH View to North
 B64 STG Table top column in progress
 B30 CEB View to North East
 B35 BEB rebar in progress
 Electrical Network B68 to B30 in progress 
 B07 ESP West Side - View to North 
  B07 ESP East Side - View to North 
 WFGD view to South East
 CW Pipe View to East backfill continue
  B07 ESP West Side - View to South 
 WFGD Area View to North East
 H03 Pipe Rack pedestal pour in progress (area North of ESP)
 H03 Pipe Rack Steel Erection 

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