19 May, 2016

19.05.16 Aerial Pictures - Stack Slipform Completed 193m

 Overall Site View to West
 Overall Site View to North 
Boiler View to North - Tier #6 in progress 
WFGD Area View to East 
B07 ESP Foundations 1st pour done on 18th May (5pile caps: 78 m3) 
Boiler View to West 
Boiler Top View 
Overall Site Top View 
B02 Chimney stack slip form completed today - 193 meters top of concrete
Laydown areas 3, 2 & 1 View to South
Laydown area 7 View to East 
CW pipes route to Pump House and Cooling Tower - E04/E12 
Site Lateral View to East 
 B30 CEB View to South
H03 Pipe Rack/B35 BEB/Boiler - View to South 
B68 Trafo's Area/B30 CEB/Boiler - View to North West
 Overall Site View to North East
B63 STH & Boiler View to North East 
B30 CEB Top View 
Boiler View to East - All coal Silo sections installed 
Boiler Top View to East 
Boiler Top View to North 
B30 CEB View to North East

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