07 May, 2016


 View to South 
 B63 STH & B30 CEB View to South
  B63 STH View to South
 Boiler View to South
 Boiler Girders 
 C01 FO Tank / B30 CEB / B68 Trafo Area View to South  
 B35 BEB and H03 Pipe Rack view to South
 C02 Stack slip form reached 154.9m on 8th of May
  CW Pipe \  E04 Cooling Tower View to East
 WFGD & ESP Foundations View to South East 
 E04 Cooling Tower View to East
 Underground Tanks Area (L60/E10/G40) View to East
 WFGD Area View to South East
 ESP Area View to South East
Boiler View to North

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