16 May, 2016

16.05.16 B63 STH Steel Structure 1st Column Installed

 Boiler Mills Bay view from West  
 All Coal Silo Section installed 
Girder ground assembly in progress - Top View
 Girder ground assembly in progress - View to North
  Girder ground assembly in progress - View to North
  Girder ground assembly in progress - View to North
Coal Feeder floor  
Windbox Connecting Duct Sect. 1 & Primary Air Duct view to North
Windbox Connecting Duct Sect. 1 & Primary Air Duct view to South
 CW Pipes View to East
 Pressure Part Ground Assembly Area 
Header lifted into temporary frame, welding in progress
Header lifted into temporary frame, welding in progress 

 Boiler View to North West
 H03 Pipe Rack Steel Structure North of Boiler
B63 STH Excavation Continue View to North West 
B63 STH First Column Installed  
B63 STH First Column Installed  
 B63 STH Vies to North
 B64 STG View to West
B63 STH South View to West 
B63 STH Pile Cap A3 Poured 
 B68 Transformer Area - Electrical Networks Progress View to West
 B30 CEB View to North West 
 B35 BEB View to East
B07 ESP View to South 

WFGD Area - L24 Flue Gas Duct view to South  
CW Pipe Third Trust block north of ESP in progress  
CW Pipes to Pump station, inlet and outlet in progress 

1 comment:

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