14 May, 2016


Boiler Mills Bay view from West  
Boiler View to South West
Boiler View to West - Air Heater Structure
Boiler Coal Silos
 Windbox Connecting Duct Sect. 1 & Primary Air Duct view to South
Terminals tubes fit up to R08 LTRH Header 
PA Fan foundation North backfilled 
FD Fan foundation North back filled  

B63 STH View to North East - Pile Cap A3 poured 
B63 STH View to North West - excavation in progress 
B64 STG foundation view to North
 B63 STH View to South, Pedestals in progress  
B64 STG foundation view to South
B30 CEB View to South West
B35 BEB preparation for lean concrete 
H03 - Pipe Rack north of Boiler 
 D30 - Ash Loading Station preparation for lean concrete
 D08 - Fly Ash intermediate Silo area Electrical network in progress
CW Pipe trust block north of ESP 
CW Pipe backfilling north of ESP  
CW Pipe to pump station welding in progress 
 CW Pipe to STH welding in progress 
G40  Fire water Storage tank excavation and blinding
 CW Pipe to Pump station 
CW Pipe return line to Cooling Tower 
CW Pipe to pump station & return line to Cooling Tower  
B02 Stack slipform reached approx 175 meters, forecast completion is 18th May with 193 meters
E07 CWEB preparation for blinding  
WFGD Area view to West 
WFGD Area view to North
WFGD Area view to EAst
 B07 ESP View to West
 B07 ESP View to North

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