12 May, 2016


 Boiler View to West
 Boiler Girders ground assembly inside furnace cavity view to North
 Boiler Girders ground assembly inside furnace cavity view to North
 B63 STH View to North
 B63 STH - Pile Cap PC A3 Poured
 B63 STH - North side Backfill in progress
 B63 STH View to South, Pedestals in progress 
 B30 CEB View to South West
 WFGD Area Foundations View to South East
B07 ESP Foundations view to West
 H03 Pipe Rack North of B35 BEB Steel Structure installation 
Site Overview to West
 Underground tanks Area (L60/E10/G40) View to West
 E04 Cooling Tower view to West 

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