03 May, 2016


Boiler Mills Bay view from South West 
Boiler Coal Silo View, all cone section installed
 Boiler view to South West
 Boiler View to North West - Air Heater Structure
Tower Crane bracing started this week to jack up from 78m up to probably 124m

 Boiler Air Heater installation in progress

 Boiler Air Heater view to South

 Boiler Air Heater view to West

Boiler Windbox Connecting Ducts View to South
 Boiler Pulverizers View to South
Boiler View to West 
B01 Boiler PA&FD area North  
 B01 Boiler PA area South  
 B63 STH Pile Cap A3 rebar progress
B63 STH view to North 
 B64 STG Rebar in progress
B63 STH view to South East, pedestals in progress 
B63 STH view to South West, pedestals in progress 
B63 STH pedestals in progress    
B30 CEB View to North Pile caps in progress
 B30 CEB View to South Pile caps in progress
 B35 BEB Area view to East
Electrical Network to B35 BEB in progress
CW Pipes Backfilling North of B35 BEB
B07 ESP foundations area view to West, pile head preparation in progress 
B07 ESP foundations area view to North 
 WFGD Area view to North
 WFGD Area view to West 

 WFGD Area view to East
 D30 Ash loading station area
 CW pipes View to West - North trench all spools in
CW pipes to Pump Station view to North 
CW Pipes Cofferdam to Pump Station
 CW Pipes Trust Block North of ESP
 Stack, slip form reached 130m

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