17 May, 2016


 Boiler Mills Bay view from West, B02 Stack slipform reached apprx 185m
 Boiler View to west
 Windbox Connecting Duct Sect. 1 & Primary Air Duct view to South
B63 STH View to South West 
B63 STH View to South East
 B63 STH View to North
B30 CEB View to South West
 B35 BEB Blinding and pile caps cages in progress  
WFGD Foundations view to South 
 WFGD - L24 flue gas duct area view to North East
 B07 ESP View to North
B07 ESP Foundations vie to West 

 CW Pipe return line cofferdam view to North

 CW Pipe inlet line cofferdam view to East
  CW Pipe inlet & return lines cofferdam view to South
 CW Pipe view to West
 Underground tanks area - G40 Fire Fighting water storage blinding and excavation progress

CW Pipe backfilled and D30 Ash loading Station ready for blinding  

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