25 May, 2016


Boiler Mills Bay view from West  
 Boiler View to North
Boiler View to East 
Boiler Coal Silos 
Boiler main girders ground fabrication
Boiler Air Preheater View to South
 Alimac installation
Boiler Pressure Part prefab area 

Boiler Ducts prefab area 

 B63 STH View to North
B63 STH View to North West 
 B63 STH North backfill for steel structure installation
  B63 STH North backfill for steel structure installation
  B63 STH Steel Structure
 B63 STH North View to West - Backfill for steel structure installation in progress
 B63 STH View to South East
B63 STH Steel Structure 

 B64 STG View to South West

 B64 STG View to South
 B63 STH Steel Structure in Laydown area 

 B63 STH Steel Structure in Laydown area 
 B30 CEB View to North East - pull pit in progress
  B30 CEB View to East - pull pit in progress
 B30 CEB View to South
 B68 Transformer Area - grounding installation
 B35 BEB View to North West

 B35 BEB Prefabricated element installation
H03 Pipe Rack Steel StructutreView to North 
 B07 ESP View to South
WFGD Foundations West view to South
 WFGD Foundations East view to South
CW Pipes to pump station & return line 
 CW Pipes to Pump Station welding
L60 Raw Water Storage blinding & G40 Fire Water Storage Tank pile crop 

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