30 May, 2016


Boiler general view from South West - Mills Bay / Coal silo
 Boierl generaL view from Air preheater /back end side 
 Boiler Back Pass Girders E&F getting ready for Strand Jack load test today
  Boiler Back Pass Girders E&F : Strand jack lug to girder
 Boiler Back Pass Girders E&F : Strand jack lug to girder
Boiler Back Pass Girders E&F : Top view
 Boiler Back pass girders & Air Heater
 Boiler Furnace girders overview
 Boiler Furnace girders overview
 Boiler Furnace girders overview
 Boiler South side: duct bank
 Boiler Air ducts: Wind box (down), Hot primary air duct (middle), SOFA (top)
 Boiler dual carriage passenger hoist under installation prior to testing
 Boiler Warehouse / prefab area being replaced by new warehouse
 Boiler Pressure part prefab area
  Boiler Pressure part prefab area
 Boiler : 600 T crane south side

Turbine Hall South side: B95 (Condensate polishing Plant) excavation - road closure for some months
 Turbine Hall South Half: steel structure erection continues (fire proofing methodology change)
 Turbine Hall North Side: backfilling & crane access for steel structure erection
 Turbine Hall : Backfilled for steel structure erection
   Turbine Hall Steel: new columns not fireproofed prior to erection anymore
 Turbine Hall Steel columns West side
 Central Electrical Building Backfilling over finished fondations & pedestals
 Boiler Electrical Building Overview
 BOP: CW pipes, Pipe rack North of boiler towards Coooling Towers
 ESP fondation continues (from South West)
ESP fondation continues (from North East)
 WFGD area  fondation continues (from South West)
 WFGD area  fondation continues (From North East)
 CW pipes to Cooling Tower area
 CW pipes to Cooling Tower area

 Underground Water tanks pile cutting continues
 CW pipes from Cooling Tower to Power block
 Pipe rack & Ash conveyor area
Ash Loading Station fondation start
 Pipe Rack steel erection North of boiler
Turbien Hall B95, condensate polishing Plant excavation & road closure

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