19 May, 2016


 Boiler Girders ground assembly - view from furnace opening to backpass
 Windbox Connecting Duct Sect. 1 & Primary Air Duct view to North
  Boiler Girder ground assembly in progress - View to North
Boiler Mills Bay handrail and gratings in progress 
 Boiler Mills Bay handrail and gratings in progress 
 Laydown area for Pressure part prefabrication and storage
 B63 STH North - backfilling in progress
  B63 STH South - pedestals in progress

 B35 BEB / H03 Pipe Rack - View to North rebar & steel structure in progress
B35 BEB - TOP View rebar in progress 
  CW Pipe cofferdam view to East - backfill in progress

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