24 May, 2016


Boiler View to West 
Boiler backpass main girder top side strand jacks beam erection in-progress
Alimac-temporary construction elevator and Pipe Rack steel on the Background
B63 STH North side - access preparation for Steel Structure installation 

B63 STH North side backfill - Steel Structure Installation access
B30 CEB View to South West 
 B35 BEB view to South East
 B35 BEB view to West
 H03 Pipe Rack Steel Structure
H03 Pipe Rack Foundations View to North West 
 WFGD Area View to North
 B07 ESP View to South
B07 ESP View to West 
B07 ESP View to South West  
 CW Pipes View East
CW Pipes to pump station & return line 
 CW Pipes to Pump Station
 CW Pipes View to West
L60 Raw Water Storage blinding & G40 Fire Water Storage Tank pile crop

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