31 March, 2016


Boiler Mills Bay view from South West
 Boiler Air preheater structure view from back end 
 Boiler Tier 3 Column installation
Furnace Hanging structure view to North 
Pressure parts beds prefabrication in progress  
 Boiler pressure part unloading  
 Boiler pressure part unloading
B63 STH View to North East 
B63  STH and B64 STG View to North 
B30 CEB View to North
 B07 - ESP Foundation excavation started
E04 Cooling Tower view to West 
  CW Pipe Cofferdam view to West
 Underground tanks area (L60/E10/G40)
 B02 stack 56,5 m height today: reached 1,7m per 12 hour shift, target of 4 to 4,5 m per 24 hour shift & target of 89 m before Songkran holiday cold joint

30 March, 2016

30.03.16 Boiler 1st Pressure Part Delivery


 Boiler Air preheater structure view from back end
Electrical network PA Fan Area North 
Last Millside assembly erected onto foundation
B63 STH View to Pedestals North 
 B63 STH View to Pedestals North 
B64 STH CW Pipe outlet welding in progress 
B63 STH CEX pump shaft 
B64 STG pile head cutting 
B64 STH CW Pipe inlet 
B63 STH View to North East   
H03 to WFGD excavation and pile head preparation  
B35 BEB - Pile head preparation  
B30 CEB - CTO in progress 

29 March, 2016

29.03.16 Aerial

 View from West: CEB, Turbine Hall, Boiler
 View from North: BEB (B35) & Boiler
  View from North: Stack, Boiler, Turbine Hall & CEB
  View from North: Turbine Hall & CEB
 View from North West: CEB, Turbien Hall, CW pipes & Boiler
 View from Top: CEB & Turbine Hall
  View from top of Boiler
 Laydowns overview
 Back end overview: CW pipes, ECS areas, Stack & colling Towe bassin
 Overview from South West
  Overview from South West
 Boiler prefabrication, ducts and coal silos
 Overview from South
 CEB & Turbine Hall from South
CEB area

29.03.16 TJEL TK Mobilization

TJEL TK - Initial Engineering mobilization


Boiler Mills Bay view from South West 
6 of 7 Millside assembly erected onto foundation 
Second Windbox Connecting Duct erected
Boiler Steel Structure view from North 
Boiler Steel Structure view from North East 
 Boiler Air preheater structure view from back end
Boiler Furnace Cavity 
 B63 STH View to North 
B64 STG View to South Pile head preparation 
B63 STH CW Outlet Pipe welding in progress  
B63 STH View to North West   
B63 STH CW Outlet Pipe Trust Block poured 
B63 STH View to Pedestals North 
B30 CEB 
B35 BEB pile head preparation in progress 
 CW Pipe Cofferdam view to West
 CW Pipe Cofferdam view to North
 L09 Emergency scrubber dump foundation rebar in progress 
 E04 Cooling Tower view to East 
 H03 to WFGD excavation and pile head preparation
B63 STH Steel Structure on site