11 March, 2016


 Boiler Mills Bay view from North West
 Boiler steel air pre-heater view from North

 Boiler steel air pre-heater view from South
 Boiler steel air pre-heater view from back end
  Boiler: Hanging steel erection view from North 
Boiler view from north
Boiler Mills Bay view from South West
PA fan foundation South
Electrical network boiler area
PA fan foundation North
PA Fan foundation south
Electrical network PA/FD area south
 B35 Boiler electrical Building Area
Coal Silo barrels and Air Duct ground fabrication
Coal Silo cones ground fabrication
B63 STH View to North East
B64 STG foundation Area
B63 STH Pile Cap PC-G almost ready for pour
B63 STH Pile Cap PC-H pedestals in progress  
B63 STH View to North West
B63 STH View to South East
B63 STH View to South West
CW pipes backfilled North of Turbine Hall - pipe rack pedestal completed
Electrical Network north of B30 in progress
Electrical network to B30
B30 CEB pile head preparation in progress
Cooling Water pipes view to west  
CW pipes backfilling North of boiler in progress
CW Pipes Cofferdam view from East corner
CW Pipes Cofferdam corner to cooling tower
E04 Cooling Tower lateral wall north started pouring
E04 Cooling Tower lateral wall south in progress
Electrical Network to E06 Bldg

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