21 March, 2016

21.03.16 Coal silo B & C lifts

 Boiler Overview bunker bay + silo B&C transfered from laydown to site during week end
 Boiler Cavity hanging steel erected
 Boiler Silo B&C, preparation for lifting today
 Boiler, steel overview from Air preheater side (South East side)
 Boiler, steel overview from Air preheater side (North East side)
 Boiler steel, 400 T on North East now, multiple pieces erection
 Boiler steel from cavity to Bunker bay
 Boiler silo B, lifting in progress
 Boiler Pulverizer body on site, Mill #A side (North)
 Turbine Hall West side, CW inlet
  Turbine Hall East side, center = Turbine Table pile excavation
CW backfilled & Pipe rack pedestal progressing (North of Turbine Hall)

 Turbine Hall : CW Inlet from North West corner of TH, CEB edge on the rigth

 Control Electrical Building (B30) pile cutting & blinding concrete in progress (East side from North)
  Control Electrical Building (B30) pile cutting & blinding concrete in progress (West side from North)
  Control Electrical Building (B30) pile cutting & blinding concrete in progress (East side from South)
  Control Electrical Building (B30) pile cutting & blinding concrete in progress (West side from South)
 Boiler Electrical Building: excavation to pile cutting level in progress, from East side
  Boiler Electrical Building: excavation to pile cutting level in progress, from West side
 ECS L09 rebar start, Chimney stack shall restart tomorrow after last inspection from EGAT planned today (heigth still 26 m)
 Cooling Tower amd pump station, scaffold progress for internal walls
  Cooling Tower scaffold progress for peremiter wall
 Cooling Water cofferdam & civil progress untill last turn before pump station
 ECS, WFGD Tanks progress
 ESP piles under progress for MC scope 
Fuel Oil Tank (C01) pile cutting

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