09 March, 2016


Boiler view from Site Entrance  
Boiler Mills Bay view from South West
Boiler: Hanging steel erection continue North side 
  Boiler steel air pre-heater view from south
Boiler Mills Bay view from South East
B01 - Pull put and ducts works in PA/FD area south 
Boiler PA/FD Fans back filled South side
Boiler PA/FD Fans back filling North side 
B01/B17 interface back filled
Part of Coal Silos Girder lift in prefabrication area
Air Duct Prefabrication area 
B30 - CEB Pile Cutting progress 
B63 - STH PC-G Substructure in progress
B63 - STH PC-M Pedestals pouring  
B64 STG Area excavation resumed 
B63 - STH View from South 
Piles in Transformer area 
 B07 - ESP area MC piles in progress
B02 Chimney 
WFGD aux Tank L09
Sheet piles E06 Area
E04 - Cooling Tower View from West 
MCW Cofferdam corner to E04 
 CW pipes cofferdam North East Side - pipe rack pedestal pouring 
CW pipes, concrete Trust blocks North of B35 
CW pipes, cofferdam view to East 

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