14 March, 2016


Boiler Mills Bay view from South West - Tier 3 Started
Boiler steel air pre-heater view from back end 
Boiler: Hanging steel erection view from South
Boiler PA/FD area south
PA Fan foundation south
 Boiler steel air pre-heater view North
CW Pipes North of Boiler Backfill
Pulverizers sole plates grout
B63 STH View to North West
B63 STH View to North West
B30 CEB pile head cutting view from North
Electrical network to CEB
B30 CEB pile head cutting view from South
Electrical Network and Boiler steel on the background
B02 - chimney lift installation
Electrical network to E04 Cooling Tower
E04 Cooling Tower
CW Pipes Cofferdam view from East corner
L15 Gypsum Transfer Tower foundations pile head preparation
D08 Ash Sub-distribution bldg excavation

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