15 March, 2016


Boiler Mills Bay view from South West
Boiler backpass hanging steel progress 
 Boiler view to north during morning coordination meeting
 Boiler steel air pre-heater view from back end
PA Fan foundation south  
PA Fan foundation north 
Boiler view of north hanging steel of backpass and furnace  
 Electrical network progress in FD/PA area north

 Boiler north area excavation for electrical network 
 Hanging Steel ground pre-assembly
 Hanging Steel furnace cavity view to north
 Boiler back-pass hanging steel in progress  
 Boiler steel structure lift
 Mills Bay view from north
 B35 BEB Area
 CW Pipe backfill north of Boiler in progress
 B63 STH view to west, backfilling of substructure commenced

 B63 STH view to south, backfilling of substructure commenced
 B30 CEB Pile head cutting in progress 
 Electrical Network west of B30-CEB in progress 

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