22 March, 2016

22.03.16 - STH CW Pipe Outlet Lift

 B63 STH view to north west
 B64 STG view to North
  B63 STH view to North East
 Boiler Mills Bay view from North West
 B35 BEB View from North
 Boiler Furnace Cavity Hanging Steel North
 Boiler Backpass Hanging Steel North
 H03 Pipe Rack Foundation North of Boiler 
 CW Pipes second Trust block North of Boiler poured
 D08 Ash Sub-distribution building rebar progress 
 D08 Ash Sub-distribution building blinding & pile head preparation
 D08 Ash Sub-distribution building pile head preparation
 CW Pipes Elbow Supporting foundation poured
 CW Pipes Cofferdam to Pump Station view to North
E04 Cooling Tower view to East 
 L09 Emergency scrubber dump foundation rebar in progress
 L35 process water tank foundation rebar and formwork in progress
 L38 Local gypsum slurry tank foundation pile head preparation completed
 H03 to WFGD excavation and pile head preparation
 PA Fan Foundation South Ready for Pouring
  FD Fan area South electrical network
 B63 STH CW Inlet pipe
 CW Pipe spool lift from Laydown area with 600 Ton Crane
  CW Pipe spool lift above Boiler steel
   CW Pipe spool lift above Boiler steel
 CW Pipe Outlet landing in position
 CW Pipe Outlet landing in position
CW Pipe Outlet landing in position 

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