29 March, 2016

29.03.16 Aerial

 View from West: CEB, Turbine Hall, Boiler
 View from North: BEB (B35) & Boiler
  View from North: Stack, Boiler, Turbine Hall & CEB
  View from North: Turbine Hall & CEB
 View from North West: CEB, Turbien Hall, CW pipes & Boiler
 View from Top: CEB & Turbine Hall
  View from top of Boiler
 Laydowns overview
 Back end overview: CW pipes, ECS areas, Stack & colling Towe bassin
 Overview from South West
  Overview from South West
 Boiler prefabrication, ducts and coal silos
 Overview from South
 CEB & Turbine Hall from South
CEB area

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