01 March, 2016


 Control Electrical Building, excavation & pile cutting for CTO
Turbine Hall West side, CW inlet & Pedestals
 Turbine Hall East side, Pile Cap with CEX shaft 
 Boiler Bunker Bay View, Tier #2
 Boiler 600 T crane, load test conducted on 29th Feb, 
 Boiler 600 T crane: certification expected today for operation by 02nd March
 Boiler Air Prehater steel, Tier #1 
  Boiler steel from Air Prehater side 
 Boiler electrical building area
PA/FD Fan south of Boiler, backfilling
 PA/FD Fan North of Boiler, backfilling
 Chimney Stack: reached 26 m heigth on 29th Feb
  Chimney Stack: Cold Joint for winches & lift installation (10 days estimated)
Chimney Stack from inside
 Cooling Tower pumping station: rebars installation
 FGD auxiliary storage Tank, excavation, lean concrete started.

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