24 March, 2016


Millside assembly erected onto foundation
Boiler Mills Bay view from South West
Windbox Connecting Duct Sect. 1 erected on the LHS of unit
Electrical networks FD Fan south
PA Fan Foundation South
Boiler Airpreheater structure view to North
PA Fan Foundation North
Electrical networks FD Fan North
Electrical Network to BEB
Boiler Air preheater structure view from back end
B35 BEB Excavation and pile head preparation
Tier 3 Column installation
Air Duct ground fabrication area
B63 STH View to North West
B64 STG View to North excavation in progress
B63 STH View to North East
B63 STH CW pipe outlet all in
CW Pipe second thrust block north of Boiler formwork removal
 H03 to WFGD excavation and pile head preparation
L38 Local gypsum slurry tank foundation rebar in progress
CW Pipes Cofferdam corner to Pump Station view to East
CW Pipes Cofferdam to Pump Station view to North
Excavation for L60 underground raw water storage for WFGD &  H03 Pipe Rack piling 
E04 Cooling Tower view to East 
Electrical network from E07 to E06/E12
Electrical network E07 Area Backfilling
 L09 Emergency scrubber dump foundation rebar in progress
B02 Chimney splipform in progress

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