16 March, 2016


 Electrical Network West of B30 CEB backfilling
B30 CEB Excavation and pile Head cutting in progress
C01 Fuel Oil Tank Foundation blinded 
CW Outlet pipe east of B63 STH  
B64 STG Area view from south 
B63 STH Pile Cap PC-G formwork stripped 
B63 STH Pile Cap PC-M in progress  
B63 STH View from South  
 CW Pipe Inlet West of STH
B63 STH North Backfilling in progress
H03 Pipe RackNorth of STH backfilling in progress 
 Boiler Pulverizers - Gearbox Sole plates all grouted since 14th March
Boiler Pulverizers - Millside Mounting Plates alignment in progress 
Boiler Mills Bay view from South West
Boiler Backpass hanging steel view from north 
 Boiler Furnace Hanging Steel North in progress
Boiler  Overview from North
Boiler View from North East 
Air Preheater Steel structure view from North 
  Boiler steel overview from air preheater side
PA Fan foundation rebar progress 

PA/FD Fan Area electrical network progress 
 Boiler backpass hanging steel south  
Boiler Furnace hanging steel 
 Boiler handrails and grating in progress
Boiler handrails and grating in progress 
Ground fabrication of air duct 
Coal silo  cones sections ground fabrication
Boiler View from ground fabrication area 
D08 Ash Sub-distribution building excavation 
D08 Ash Sub-distribution building excavation 
L15 Gypsum transfer tower pile head preparation   
CW Pipes cofferdam excavation to pump station
CW Pipes cofferdam view to west 
CW Pipes second Trust block North of Boiler in progress 
CW Pile Cofferdam view to east 
L60/E10/G40 underground tanks no activity 
L09 Emergency scrubber dump foundation pile head cutting 
E04 Cooling Tower view to east 
 E04 Cooling Tower South side wall in progress
 Electrical network to cooling Tower backfill
L38 Local gypsum slurry tank foundation pile head preparation
 L35 process water tank foundation pile head preparation
B07 ESP Area MC additional piles 
 Laydown area 3.2 in progress

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