23 March, 2016


 E04 Cooling Tower View to West
 Electrical Network to E06 
 L09 Emergency scrubber dump foundation rebar in progress   
 B02 Stack slipform restarted 
 CW Pipes Cofferdam View to West
 CW Pipes Cofferdam View to South
 L38 Local gypsum slurry tank foundation rebar commence
  L35 process water tank foundation rebar and formwork in progress 
 Boiler PA Fan foundation North  
 Boiler PA Fan foundation North   
 Boiler PA Fan foundation South poured  
 B35 BEB Excavation and pile head preparation    
 C01 Fuel Oil Storage Tank Foundation pile head preparation 
 B30 CEB  
 B63 STH View to North West
B63 STH View to North East  

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