10 March, 2016


 B68 Transformer Area Piling
 Boiler Mills Bay view from South West
 Boiler Mills Bay view from North West
 Boiler Stairs and access platforms in progress
 Boiler: Hanging steel erection view from North 
 Boiler steel air pre-heater view from North
  Coal Silos Cone Sections and Girder ground fabrication
 Coal Silo Barrels ground fabrication
 Air Duct ground fabrication
 B01/B17 Interface Backfill continue
 PA Fan Foundation South
 Electrical Network PA/FD Fan South Area
 PA Fan Foundation North
 B30 CEB Pile head cropping progress
 Electrical Network between CEB and Transformer area
 Electrical network to CEB progress
 Cable Pull Pit Cover
B63 STH View to North East
 B63 - STH PC-M Pedestals in progress
 B63 - STH PC-H Pedestals in progress
 B64 STG Area Excavation
 B63 - STH PC-G Substructure in progress
  B07 - ESP area MC piles in progress
B63 STH North Side Pedestals View
B63 STH/B30 interface View to south
 CW pipes backfilled North of Turbine Hall - pipe rack pedestal completed
  CW pipes backfill North of boiler in progress - pipe rack pedestal in progress
  CW pipes backfill North of boiler in progress
 CW Pipes View to East
 MCW Cofferdam corner to E04 
Cooling Water Pipes Cofferdam view to West
Cooling Water Pipes excavation to E04
L60/E10/G40 Underground tanks area
E04 Cooling Tower View to West
Electrical Network to E06 Bldg pouring
WFGD aux Tank L09
 Fuel and Ash structure Excavation
  Fuel and Ash structure Excavation
 Conveyors Area Blinding
  Conveyors Area Blinding
  Conveyors Area Blinding

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