02 March, 2016


B63 STH View to North
 B63 STH Pilecaps West view to North
  B63 Turbine Hall East side, Pile Cap with CEX shaft 
 CW inlet Welding in progress
  B63 Turbine Hall East side
 Boiler Bunker Bay View, Tier #2
 PA/FD Fan south of Boiler, backfilling
 PA/FD Fan north of Boiler, backfilling
 B01/B17 Interface backfilled
 North of B01 Boiler Access road 
  Boiler steel from Air Preheater side  
 Cable Pits & Ducts route to CEB
 B30 CEB Excavation and Pile Head Cropping 
 B02 Stack Slipform
 Cooling Water Pipe Cofferdam View to West
 Cooling Water Pipes cofferdam corner to Cooling Tower
  E12 Cooling Tower pumping station: rebars installation 
 L60/E10/G40 Underground storage Tanks
 L09 Auxiliary Storage Tank blinding and pile head cropping
 Coal Silo assembly in porgress 
 Air Duct assembling in progress
View to Plant from prefab area

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